You can reach your health and wellness goals.

Online Wellness Coaching for Black Women


Have you considered transitioning to a plant-based or vegan diet but you don’t know where to start?

Maybe you tried eating a plant-based or vegan diet before, but felt like you were starving or couldn’t get enough protein. You tried some plant-based options, but they did not taste good. Maybe you struggle to make tasty vegan meals. Perhaps you noticed that your plate is carb-heavy and that you have hit a plateau.

You notice that the scale won’t budge. You feel overwhelmed and want to change your diet so that you can look and feel your best. Perhaps you are feeling sluggish after you eat. You have tried doing your own research, but you keep getting mixed information.

You are tired of being overweight or want to feel better. Maybe you want to develop healthy habits or boost your exercise routine, but you don’t know where to start. You may be tired of trying to do it on your own.

Whatever you are experiencing, you are starting to notice the impact of this in other areas of life:

  • You spend a lot of time researching how to lose weight online

  • Complaining often to friends and family about your weight

  • Feeling tired or sluggish after you eat

  • Contemplating transitioning to a plant-based or vegan diet

  • Trouble sticking to your desired diet or fitness routine

  • Your medical doctor is concerned about your health

 Wellness coaching can help.

Life shouldn’t feel this way.

It may feel impossible now, but you can reach your health and wellness goals. You can develop healthy habits without the fear of failing. You can embrace a balanced lifestyle instead of settling for fad diets.

I'll help you through this process by giving you specific nutrition and exercise advice you can use to reach your goals. My approach to wellness coaching comes from years of personal experience where you use a holistic approach to blend diet and nutrition. We discuss your health and wellness goals, and I give you a vegan grocery list, vegan dietary supplement list, exercise plan, and resources for making easy vegan recipes to help you stick to a vegan diet. 

I will guide you on stress management and improving your sleep. You can start feeling better again. You can stick to a plant-based or vegan diet and have more energy. You can feel more excited about your nutrition and exercise routine with the right information.

It's hard doing it on your own. You don't have to keep doing it by yourself. You don't have to keep feeling frustrated. I can help you get there. It's time for you to make the transition so you can live your best life.

Wellness coaching can help you…

  • Fully transition to a plant-based or vegan diet

  • Understand how to eat a more balanced diet

  • Explore new foods and cook healthier meals

  • Feel confident about your diet and exercise routine

  • Reduce stress and improve your sleep habits

  • Achieve a balanced lifestyle and feel confident again

Wellness Coaching Packages

  • Single Wellness Consultation

    The Single Wellness Consultation is one wellness coaching session. This package includes:

    One-to-one coaching

    60-minute initial coaching session

    Premium Vegan Substitution List (65+ foods)

    Option to add on:

    7-Day Vegan Meal Plan (14.99)

  • Starter Wellness Coaching Package

    The Starter Wellness Coaching Package is a 4-week coaching program. This package includes:

    One-to-one coaching

    60-minute initial coaching session

    Wellness assessment

    Three 45-minute coaching sessions

    Premium Vegan Substitution List (65+ foods)

    Dr. Sebi-Infused Vegan Grocery List

    14-Day Vegan Meal Plan

  • Premium Wellness Coaching Package

    The Premium Wellness Coaching Package is a 12-week coaching program. This package includes:

    One-to-one coaching

    60-minute initial coaching session

    Wellness assessment

    Six 45-minute coaching sessions

    Premium Vegan Substitution List (65+ foods)

    Dr. Sebi-Infused Vegan Grocery List

    21-Day Vegan Meal Plan

    Weekly Workout Plan

    Vegan Kitchen Must-Haves

    Recovery Guide

  • Deluxe Wellness Coaching Package

    The Deluxe Wellness Coaching Package is a 6-month coaching program. This package includes:

    One-to-one coaching

    60-minute initial coaching session

    Wellness assessment

    Twelve 45-minute coaching sessions

    Premium Vegan Substitution List (65+ foods)

    Dr. Sebi-Infused Vegan Grocery List

    21-Day Vegan Meal Plan

    Weekly Workout Plan

    Vegan Kitchen Must-Haves

    Recovery Guide

    Vegan Supplement Guide

    Stress Management Guide

Try my favorite vegan protein. Shop now!

  • I love this protein powder. This brand has 30g of vegan protein per scoop. The vanilla flavor is my favorite. I also like the chocolate flavor. Click here to order now.

    Tip: For smoothies, include vegan protein powder, ice, 8oz water or plant-based milk, and frozen fruit. If it's too thick, add a little more water. 

  • Orgain is another amazing option. This brand has 20g of protein per scoop. Use my discount code APRIL30 at checkout or Click here to order now.

    Tip: For a grab-n-go smoothie, try OWYN Plant Protein Shakes. You can find them at your local grocery store or on Amazon.

Frequently asked questions about online wellness coaching.


  • Wellness coaching helps clients improve and maintain their health through nutrition and exercise guidance.

  • Wellness coaching supports individual health and wellness goals by advising on nutrition, exercise, stress management, and sleep routine.

    After coaching, my clients leave our session feeling more equipped to reach their health and wellness goals.

  • No. The advice you receive is from my personal journey and years of trial and error. I have been vegan for four years, and exercise has always been a big part of my lifestyle.

    All information is strictly for educational purposes and not a substitute for medical advice. I recommend talking to your doctor before starting a new diet or exercise routine.

  • While I can't make any guarantees, you may be a good fit for wellness coaching if you need help transitioning to a plant-based or vegan diet, stress reduction, or improving sleep.

    My wellness coaching program is best for people who have already started transitioning away from the Standard American Diet (SAD) or eat 1-2 different meat choices, such as chicken and fish. For example, you may benefit if you are a pescatarian or vegetarian.

    While not impossible, I do not recommend going cold turkey. From experience, it takes time to make a complete transition.

    Please note: I cannot guarantee weight loss results or that you will achieve a specific look.

  • No. I do not recommend coaching as a substitute for therapy. Wellness coaching does not diagnose or treat mental health concerns. If you live in Georgia and need therapy, schedule a consultation to see if we are a good fit for one another.

    *Please note: I do not provide therapy to wellness coaching clients, and therapy clients cannot participate in wellness coaching.

  • How long you need to be in wellness coaching is specific to your unique needs and circumstances. I offer a variety of packages for your specific needs. After our consultation, I will recommend which package may be a good fit for you. All packages come with support and check-ins to discuss progress.

  • Wellness Package Pricing:

    The Single Wellness Consultation is $300.

    The Starter Wellness Coaching Package is $460 upfront and $460 in two weeks, totaling $920.

    The Premium Wellness Coaching Package is $780 upfront and $780 at six weeks, totaling $1560.

    The Deluxe Wellness Coaching Package is $1415 upfront and $1415 in three months, totaling $2830.

  • That's okay. I provide wellness coaching online, so people outside the U.S. can book a session with me. However, all wellness coaching sessions are in Eastern Standard Time (EST).

  • First, book a free consultation. We will briefly discuss what brings you to wellness coaching. I will ask you a few questions and allow you to ask me any questions you have. If we determine that we are a good fit for one another, I will send you a link to purchase your wellness coaching package. After you purchase a package, I will send you consent forms, a wellness assessment, and package information electronically.


 Ready to reach your goals? Commit to wellness coaching today.

Book a Consultation