You can create a more inclusive and equitable workplace environment for all employees.

Anti-racism Consulting for Businesses


Has your business or organization experienced a complaint or job discrimination lawsuit from the EEOC?

Maybe your business or organization wants to reduce racism and discrimination in the workplace or needs cultural sensitivity training. Perhaps your company recently received a charge of discrimination from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). You want to protect your business and employees from forms of racism and discrimination in the workplace. You desire to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) but need to know where to start. 

Workplace culture and climate may be declining. Perhaps you noticed racism disguised in the following ways: discrimination, prejudice, bias, microaggressions, tokenism, exclusion, marginalization, and stereotyping. Despite this, you want to address and combat racism in the workplace. You feel compelled to create equitable practices and policies but need help with inclusive language and dialogue. 

You realize that organizational leaders or team members need training in workplace diversity and inclusion. You want them to understand the physical, psychological, and emotional impact of racism and discrimination in the workplace. Perhaps you want to develop a program that creates safety in the workplace for all employees. You want your organization to be known for its commitment to promoting DEI and engaging in equitable hiring practices.

You may be working on new policies for your organization and need help with strategy development or anti-racism interventions. You feel ill-equipped to develop policy changes or process improvement. You may feel lost, overwhelmed, or pressured to make changes that create a safe work environment. 

Whatever you are experiencing, you are starting to notice the impact of this in the workplace:

  • The employee turnover rate is high

  • Leaders are uncomfortable addressing racism or DEI issues

  • Experiencing EEOC complaints or lawsuits 

  • Organizational climate and culture are declining

  • Leaders disagree on how to address racism in the workplace

 Hiring an anti-racism consultant can help.

Work shouldn’t feel this way.

It may feel impossible now, but your business can have an equitable workplace environment for all employees. Your organization can advocate for anti-racism policies without fearing being misinformed or exclusionary. You can embrace diversity and inclusion instead of discrimination. 

I'll help your organization through this process by showing you how to combat workplace racism and discrimination. My approach to anti-racism consulting comes from a place of expertise where I equip leaders and team members with DEI-driven practices and policies. We can develop a zero-tolerance policy for racist behavior or language, implement diversity and inclusion training, create a diverse hiring committee, encourage open communication and dialogue to increase anti-racism conversations and promote diversity and inclusion at all organizational levels.

I can also show you how to support employees with mental health concerns resulting from workplace discrimination. You can rebuild your organization. You can lead your team feeling confident again. With the right tools, you can feel more empowered to protect employees, reach organizational goals, and thrive in an inclusive work environment.

It's hard leading an organization. You don't have to keep doing it on your own. You don't have to keep feeling overwhelmed. I can help you get there. It's time to hire an anti-racism business consultant to help your business thrive again. 

Anti-racism consulting can help your organization…

  • Reduce mental health concerns caused by racism and discrimination

  • Understand race-based stress in the workplace

  • Respond to and address forms of racism such as microaggressions, stereotyping, or bias

  • Prevent EEOC charges and other lawsuits

  • Understand and celebrate group differences 

  • Increase conversations around DEI

  • Engage in diverse hiring practices

  • Advocate for employee safety in the workplace

Frequently asked questions about anti-racism consulting.


  • Racism can manifest in various ways, including discrimination, prejudice, bias, microaggressions, tokenism, exclusion, marginalization, stereotyping, and racism disguised as humor.

  • Racism may impact hiring practices, promotions, salary discrepancies, workplace culture, and employee mental health, leading to EEOC complaints or lawsuits.

  • Establish a zero-tolerance policy for racist behavior and language, and make it clear to all employees that discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated.

    Implement diversity and inclusion training for all employees to increase awareness and understanding of different cultures and perspectives.

    Create a diverse hiring committee to ensure hiring decisions have diversity and inclusion in mind.

    Encourage open communication and dialogue about diversity and inclusion in the workplace, and provide a safe space for employees to share their experiences and perspectives.

    Promote diversity and inclusion at all levels of the organization, from leadership positions to entry-level positions.

  • I work with leaders from small businesses and large organizations. However, I am passionate about working with the administration in colleges and universities to support marginalized faculty and staff.

  • Organizational needs vary, so time is based on contracted services. Businesses may hire me for small projects or more extended periods. We can discuss and negotiate a contract of service.

  • Yes, I can work on-site. However, travel and accommodation costs apply. For your convenience, we can complete most services online.

  • Book a consultation call. We discuss what you need help with. I will ask you some questions and allow you to ask me any questions you have.

    If we are a good fit for one another, I will send you the following information via email:

    A workplace survey, contract to sign, and payment information.

    Schedule a business consultation call, and let's get to work!


 Ready to combat racism? Hire a anti-racism consultant.

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