You can take back control.

Anxiety Therapy Atlanta


Have you experienced a recent meltdown or panic attack?

Maybe work is overwhelming, or you are tired of not having time for yourself. You may be struggling to juggle everything on your plate or relax or sleep. You notice that you never have time for yourself. Although your to-do list is never-ending, you rarely ask for help. You would rather do it yourself because only you can do it right. Perhaps you are feeling like a failure.

You constantly put others' needs before your own. You are tired of not having time for yourself. But you believe, "If you don't do it, it won't get done." You have so much on your plate, but you’re used to being superwoman. You love your family and friends but they don’t get what it takes to be you.

Whatever it is that you are experiencing, you are beginning to notice the impact of this in other areas of your life:

  • Struggling to stay focused and productive at work

  • Trouble winding down or sleeping at night

  • Having a hard time communicating your needs to your partner, family, or children

  • Crying when you feel overwhelmed or frustrated

  • Feeling like giving up

 Anxiety therapy can help.

Life doesn’t have to feel this way.

It may feel impossible now, but you can find work-life balance and peace of mind. You can prioritize your needs and get more rest. And I can help you get there.

I’ll help you through this process, tailoring each step to your unique needs and circumstances. My approach to anxiety and panic comes from a place of peace and relaxation where you learn how to take your control back. We practice various tools and techniques to help you reduce anxiety symptoms inside and outside of therapy. I can show you how to prioritize your own needs without the guilt. I can help you find work-life balance and peace of mind.

Anxiety and panic do not have to control your life. You can do something about it. Understanding how your thoughts influence your feelings and behavior can help you experience relief. With a new mindset, freedom is possible.

You don’t have to live your life feeling overwhelmed and defeated. I can help you get there. It’s time for you to take care of yourself.

Therapy for anxiety can help you…

  • Identify the root of the problems you’re experiencing

  • Understand how the mind and body respond to anxiety

  • Identify stress and anxiety triggers

  • Learn the tools and techniques that reduce symptoms

  • Set boundaries with friends and loved ones

  • Develop a self-care routine or wellness plan

Frequently asked questions about anxiety therapy


  • Anxiety therapy involves the use of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness strategies, and relaxation techniques. Together, we talk and practice tools and techniques geared towards helping you reduce anxiety and or panic.

  • An evaluation and or diagnosis from a healthcare professional can determine if you have anxiety. Anxiety symptoms usually include:

    Feeling nervous

    A sense of panic or doom

    Increased heart rate

    Breathing rapidly





    Trouble concentrating


    Constant worry

  • Can therapy help anxiety? While I can’t make guarantees, if you are experiencing any anxiety symptoms, therapy may be a good fit for you. I use several tools and techniques proven to reduce anxiety and panic.

  • The length of anxiety therapy depends on your individual needs. However, most clients see progress within 3-6 months.

  • First, book a free consultation. We will briefly discuss what brings you to counseling. I will ask you a few questions and allow you to ask me any questions you have. If we determine that we are a good fit for one another, I will send you consent forms and assessments to complete online. Then, we get you scheduled for your first appointment!


 Ready to get your control back? Get started today.

Book A Consultation